Respect her above all else. She is special and unique. Don't stand for even your closest friend insulting her, no matter what. After all, you love her, don't you?
Be playful. Tease her a little, and when she teases you come right back at her with something funny. It's like two puppies wrestling. Very fun. However, girls tend to be sensitive, so make sure you don't hurt her feelings, and let her have the last word every now and then.
Talk to her politely, especially when you two have a fight. Try to make yourself a humble man; that will be the sweetest point of you.
When you are talking to her, look at her mouth, then her eyes, and then back at her mouth (when she is talking). This will subconsciously make her want to kiss you.
Be self-assured. Walk, talk and act with confidence. Be a leader. Offer her the security you can provide.
Don't seem overeager. Let her call and text you sometimes (though make sure you at least send her little texts too to show you think of her, but don't overdo it).
If you like her, you will wait for her. First, make sure that she is the one you want. Every ending is a new beginning and means fresh opportunity; BUT if you like her, you will wait for her no matter how long it takes for her to come to you.
Be exciting. Always talk with vigor and energy, no matter what the topic. Never look down when talking to her; even if you are feeling sad always show excitement.
Making the first move doesn't always work, but it can work if you know her well enough. Wait for the right moment like if she is upset or says something nice to you or if she is scared but eye contact is key.
Sometimes, less direct methods of talking to her (like text messaging) can give off a more mysterious and intriguing impression, but nothing really compares to face-to-face communication. Get plenty of that in.
Advancing in conversational depth is tricky. It's awkward if you move too fast, so it's best to be patient. The best way to start moving forward is to spend time around her without necessarily making her your main focus. For example, seeing a movie with friends, studying together, or something else to do with the connections by which you came to know her. It may be a good idea to bring along a close friend as a 'wing man' to back you up depending on the situation.
Make sure you are having fun. Honestly relax and enjoy yourself with her. There is nothing more painful to watch than some idiot trying to win over a girl if they are looking like they're constipated.
Don't interrupt. Show a respect for everything and everyone. Be a nice person; understanding and appreciative.
Be persistent and let nature take its course. Stay calm in all situations. If she gets a partner for example, it may not last if they're nothing like you. And most of all, stick by her. Time says a lot for someone who really cares.
Don't be afraid to tell others how you feel. She will see that you aren't the least bit embarrassed.
Get close and talk to a relative of hers. Next time she hears about you, don't give them bad ideas about what you do, but let her only speak about the good things about you.
If she makes the move go for it and flirt with her.
Chivalry is not dead! Open doors. Do her dishes. Take out the trash when you come over. She will love it! Service is guaranteed to be one of the best ways to win her heart.
When you ask her for a date for the first time bring a red rose for a gift.
Consider giving her a promise ring to declare your love and show your good intention, this will make her realize how much you love her.
If you're trying to win over a girl who you hardly know, then you obviously need to develop your relationship with her progressively . If you try to jump from being an acquaintance to being friends or a significant other then you'll come off as being a creepy stalker.
Never compare her with other girls; tell her she is unique.
Have special tease names for each other, but use them when appropriate. Make sure it's to lighten the mood or bring a laugh!
Move at her pace; if you're the only person manning the relationship, it's probably not a good one. But don't just dump it! Ask her what's going on if she hasn't been interacting. Maybe she's being bullied or is getting over a death. Don't force her to talk about it. It'll turn her off if you seem too pushy. Don't ignore her talking to you, either. Remember, a relationship is two ways.
Don't act all macho and full of yourself, it's not attractive.
Ask her questions about her and listen to her. Girls love that.
Don't make yourself look overly obsessed.
Make sure your body smells nice and sweet. Remember always keep your mouth clean and chew mint for fresh breath. Always maintain eye contact while having conversation with her.
Show that you are interested in her as a person - don't try to be intimate (e.g. sex) on the first date.
Never talk about her behind her back, because she is going to find out, girls are smart that way!
Do not cheat on her. You may never win her heart back and you could emotionally scar her and prevent her from wanting to be in a relationship again.
Never rebound with another girl straight after a relationship. If you have recently broken up with a girl, don't get in a relationship too quickly with anyone afterward; this could show the girl that you never even loved her.
Never put all your eggs in one basket, unless ready for a devoted marriage or prolonged relationship. Understand you may get burned.
Don't worry if you don't match up with all of these suggestions. If you feel similar feelings and you love her, you'll be okay.
If she says no, don't keep trying. A no means no.
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